District Incident Hike 2025 Information for Leaders Pocklington District Scouts are holding an incident hike for Beaver Scout, Cub Scout, and Scout sections to attend on the weekend of the 8th and 9th of February. The details for the incident hikes differ for Scouts and Beavers / Cubs, In particular the Kit List and Route. Below is the information for leaders for the Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts. Routes and links to OS maps. The Risk Assessment for the Hike is found below Risk_assessment – incident hikeDownload Incident Hikes. What is the Incident Hike? The incident hike is a smaller non non-timed hike, The hike is approximately a 10-mile course starting and finishing at the Village Hall, with teams walking both clockwise and anti-clockwise to allow as many teams as possible out in the shortest amount of time.Along the route there are 4 incident bases, one run by each group, where tasks and/or incidents are set, with the possibility of 1 to 2 further check points with no incident, most likely road crossing etc, each base should take no longer than 10 minutes. The base must be able to accommodate 2 teams at a time and once the time is up the team needs to be moved along as to not hold up the overall event.Each team will consist of between 4-6 walkers, with the teams being scored at each base for their teamwork and ability to complete the task. A max of 10 points will be up for grabs for both teamwork and the ability to complete the task.Each team will need to submit to map control, where the route will be checked and a kit check, yes this means everything out and repacked prior to departure. If the maps or kit check is failed, the team will not be allowed to hike. Please could we have a leader with their team(s). Who Can Go? The hike is open to all Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts within our district. Cost The cost for the Hike is £15 per team to cover the costs of the day. Timing and Venue The 2025 incident hike will run from Everingham Village Hall, Thorpe Le Street Road, Everingham, YO42 4JD. What3Words ///bookshop.sounds.fallen on Saturday 8th February 2025 and Sunday 9th February 2025 Scouts and Beavers will be on Saturday 8th February 2025, Scouts to arrive from 8am and Beavers to arrive from 10am. Cubs will be on Sunday 9th February 2025 arriving from 9am. The teams will set out from Everingham Village Hall at 15-minute intervals both clockwise and anti-clockwise starting at 9am and will finish no later than 4pm. Teams will be given more specific times of arrival as we will need to manage the flow of people within the building if there are lots of teams entering. DBS The Scout Association rules mean that any adult helping with the running of the event (Kit Check, Map Check, Checkpoints, Support Teams, etc) MUST have a valid scout issued disclosure check. Accountability for this rests with the section leader in each group, we will ask you to declare that all adults assisting your group are registered as at least a Non Member – Needs disclosure (on The Digital Tool) and have a valid scout issued disclosure check. I will require completed team forms from each Troop by Friday 31st January 2025, please email the forms to ‘peter.kirby@pocklingtondistrictscouts.org.uk’ Forms and Kit List for Beaver Colony Entries. BS Leader info V1.1Download BS Young people letter 2025Download BS Team Entry Details 2025Download BS Team Entry Details 2025.docxDownload Forms and Kit List for Cub Pack Entries. CS Leader infoDownload CS Young people letter 2025Download CS Team Entry Details 2025Download CS Team Entry Details 2025.docxDownload Forms and Kit List for Scout Troop Entries. ST Leader info 2025Download ST Young people letter 2025Download ST Team Entry Details 2025Download ST Team Entry Details 2025.docxDownload Beaver, Cub, and Scout route. The beaver route is shorter than we intended so we are going to put on an activity at the hut lasting about 30 minutes, with the hopes of next year there being a longer route. When you email the booking form for the beaver teams can you let me know of any allergies or dietary requirements? Beaver Route 2025Download Cub Route 2025Download Scout Route 2025Download Direct links to OS Maps Beaver Route Cub Route Scout Route Scout Route Cards Scout route cards, you will need 294 Market Weighton and Yorkshire Wolds Central & 291 Goole and Gilberdyke, both will need the route drawn on as the 291 will provide the run-off in the event the team gets lost. Clockwise Route Card MasterDownload Anti Clockwise Route Card MasterDownload